
Frequently Asked Questions

How much does WellBe cost?

Services from WellBe are provided at no additional cost. Since we are partnering with your health insurance company, our treatment is included with your coverage; on-demand concierge medical care is now a valuable part of the care under your insurance. Your typical copay for a doctor’s visit may apply.

Will WellBe take the place of my current doctor(s)?

No: we simply work alongside your current medical providers. We’re often available when your doctor’s office is closed, so our in-home medical care serves as an extra layer of support. You can continue to see your primary care provider as needed, and we make sure they stay in the know.

What are the advantages of using WellBe?

The WellBe team is here to provide medical care whenever you need it, all in the comfort of your home.

As a member, you have access to all of the services and benefits that WellBe offers, including:

  • Medication assistance, including prescription refills and management
  • 24/7 urgent care availability
  • Connection to community resources
  • Assistance transitioning home after a hospital stay
  • Vaccinations and other screenings at home
  • Therapy and counseling
  • Advocacy and support from a team of medical professionals

What does WellBe do with my health information?

Your WellBe care team uses your health information to help provide you with the comprehensive care that you need. We also work with your primary care provider and any other specialists you have in order to best understand your care plan.

How does in-home care benefit me?

In-home care offers a more convenient and comfortable alternative to the doctor’s office. This also allows us to give you more personalized, attentive, and accommodating visits

Who is on my care team?

Your team includes a lead physician, nurse practitioner, medical assistant, behavioral health specialist, community worker, and pharmacist. We work together with you, your caregivers, and physicians to nurture your medical, social, and emotional health.

What will my first visit look like?

During this visit, your licensed WellBe provider will complete a head-to-toe check up. They will explain home-based care, go over the benefits of all your new services, and answer any questions you may have.

Anyone you’d like to be present for your appointment is welcome! We want to meet the people that help care for you, and make sure everyone feels comfortable.

Click here for more information on how to prepare for your visit.

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